Adrian Salamunovic is the founder of CanvasPop, which was bootstrapped to 8-figures using mostly earned media and PR. He is now an advisor to a good number of eCommerce companies and coaches them on how to use PR to grow their businesses.
He recently published a book about PR called FREE PR.
We go through a number of ways to generate PR for your online store:
- Positioning: Position Value
- User High Concept Pitch – e.g. My company is the Uber for ….
- Define Target Market
Use Press Releases for…
- Product Launches
- Announcements
- Evergreen
- Product Reviews
Remember that you are pitching a Peacock company NOT a pigeon.
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2:58 Adrian Salamunovic intro
7:58 How do you get started with getting attention with PR without having to hire agency?
13:27 How do you know who to give your PR without being spammy?
16:40 How do you get the momentum with PR?
21:37 How often would you suggest businesses get PR?
Lightning Round of Questions
How do you hire people?
What are your 3 indispensable tools for managing your business?
Asana, Slack, Hidrive
What has been your ‘best’ mistake to date? i.e. a set-back that has given you the biggest feedback
Exiting Canvaspop
What one piece of advice can you give e-tailers keen on driving media traction for their stores?
Be remarkable
If you could choose a single book or resource that has made the highest impact on how you view building a business and growth which would it be?
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