The eCommerce Marketing Blueprint
The pace of technological change in digital marketing can run the risk of blinding us to a central fact about what we do: while the methods of asking have changed, the questions we’re asking and the people we’re asking, haven’t really changed for centuries. As eCommerce marketers, our job is to ask people who might already want to say yes i.e. site visitors, whether they’d like to buy something. Ways to get people to answer your questions with ‘yes’ deserves investigating.
Read more...Event Tracking is a must have on the to-do list of any data driven Ecommerce business. Just by adding an extra code snippet, it enables you collect data on additional website actions and activities that are not ordinarily tracked with standard Google Analytics code. From clicks on buttons (add to cart, view product, proceed to checkout, etc.) or links (internal and external), to what fields of the checkout form are filled and what errors users experience when they navigate through your store.
Read more...The internet is awash with window shoppers; casual browsers who just happen to be dropping by your store with little or no intention of purchasing at the particular moment in time, but who may just as well make a purchase at some point in future. Do you some how wish to engage with these sort of visitors – getting in a micro-conversion by at least managing to get their email addresses to help kick off an email marketing courtship that could