eCommerce Marketing Growth Hacks 

2X eCommerce Podcast

Kunle interviews Founders of Fast Growing 7-8 Figure Online Retail Business & E-commerce Marketing Experts

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Advanced SEO: 5 Ways to Fix E-Commerce Duplicate Content Issues

Posted on 29th August 2014 , by Kunle Campbell in Technical SEO, Traffic

Duplicate category or product pages in an online store can have quite devastating negative effects in the store’s organic search rankings as well sales. Issues such as the wrong pages ranking for your desired target search phrases on the light end of the scale to triggering an algorithmic Panda penalty on the more severe end of the scale are reasons you want to weed out any potential culprits of duplicate content early as well as over the course of scaling the size of your store.


How to Effectively Leverage the Power of Voucher Codes in eCommerce

Posted on 28th August 2014 , by Kunle Campbell in Customer Retention, Voucher Code Strategy

Online coupons and offers may seem like a simple and predictable way to increase conversions. Trouble is, sometimes they have the opposite effect. Indiscriminately offering rock-bottom discounts can have a negative effect on your business, and using vouchers comes under fire for uncontrollable distribution, for a tendency to drive one-off, discount customers and for reducing average order values. Yet vouchers have some great advantages too. They’re easy to track, and they typically offer a consistent increase in conversions. So how should they


5 Ways to Measure the Success of a Social Media Campaign

Posted on 16th February 2014 , by Kunle Campbell in Social Media, Traffic

If you’re running a social media campaign you are probably not doing it for fun – you are most likely looking for results. In most cases, the intended outcome of a social media campaign is to strengthen and increase awareness of your brand. In the past, traditional marketing efforts in this arena were difficult to evaluate due to the complications of determining the link between a campaign and brand awareness. One of the appeals of social media marketing is the


How to Effectively Integrate PR with SEO and Content Marketing

Posted on 3rd February 2014 , by Kunle Campbell in PR & New Media, Traffic

Over the last few years, outreach SEO (or Link Building) and PR have witnessed a digital convergence.  The wild open ranges of old style grey and black hat SEO have to a significant extent been fenced off by Google updates intended to cut down on spammy sites that add little or no value (or even make sense); those black hats have mostly been hung up, and the few survivors are in their Butch Cassidy years.  PRs, meanwhile, are learning their


When to Use a Facebook Local Business Page Vs a Company Page

Posted on 28th October 2013 , by Kunle Campbell in Social Media, Traffic

Facebook will offer you several options when you set up a page for your organisation. Usually, though, you’ll find yourself choosing between a ‘Company, organisation or Institution’ page, and a ‘Local Business or Place’ one. While in some cases the choice is obvious – if you’re a university, you’ll be wanting to be an Institution, not a Local Business or Place – for other organisations the decision can be a little more complex.


33 SEO Tips for New Bloggers

Posted on 17th October 2013 , by Kunle Campbell in Content Marketing for eCommerce

A good friend of mine recently started a fashion blog and asked me for SEO tips. I had so much to say that I have decided to spin my response into this blog post. Here is what I had to say:


12 Ways to Get More People ‘Talking About’ Your Facebook Page & Improve EdgeRank

Posted on 5th June 2013 , by Kunle Campbell in Social Media, Traffic

In 2011 Facebook introduced their ‘People Talking About This’ feature.  Available on Facebook Pages only, the feature allows you to track the number of interactions with your page over the last seven days.  As such, it is a great tool for analysing how many people are directly interacting with your brand on a weekly basis.  ‘Talking About’ is located next to ‘Likes’ but it offers details not of who has clicked ‘like,’ but of who has created what Facebook calls


The New Face of SEO: How SEO Has Changed [INFOGRAPHIC]

Posted on 25th November 2012 , by Kunle Campbell in Infographic, Technical SEO, Traffic

Over the past 18 months, SEO processes as well as SEO strategy has immensely changed. Whilst SEO is still very much rooted as a technical discipline, a significant degree of SEO is verging more and more towards a creative and marketing mindset that touches the nerves of humans OR an audience that search engines are getting better at understanding. SEOs are starting to think about their audience first with engaging content before optimisation for search engines. I quite like the


30 Places to Promote and Generate More Traffic to Your Blog Posts

Posted on 31st October 2012 , by Kunle Campbell in Content Marketing for eCommerce, Traffic

  To produce a quality blog post you spend hours researching, writing, rewriting, searching for, or even creating your own graphics. Eventually all this hard work pays out and the result of a really good piece of content but this just half of it. In order to share that exceptional work of yours with as many people as possible, you need to promote it. What is the point of being awesome if no one knows? Here are some tips that


7 Premium SEO Tools Worth Paying For

Posted on 28th November 2011 , by Kunle Campbell in Technical SEO, Traffic

SEO is a lot more complex than most people give it credit for. Many regard it as something akin to voodoo or alchemy. But SEO can be incredibly powerful and lucrative if you have the right tools for the job. That doesn’t mean you have to splurge on every piece of software you come across. Having prowled through the interwebs, trial and premium tested a number of tools out there, I have come up with this selection of MUST HAVE Paid


Advanced SEO: 5 Ways to Fix E-Commerce Duplicate Content Issues

Posted on 29th August 2014, by Kunle Campbell in Technical SEO, Traffic

Duplicate category or product pages in an online store can have quite devastating negative effects in the store’s organic search rankings as well sales. Issues such as the wrong pages ranking for your desired target search phrases on the light end of the scale to triggering an algorithmic Panda penalty on the more severe end of the scale are reasons you want to weed out any potential culprits of duplicate content early as well as over the course of scaling the size of your store.


How to Effectively Leverage the Power of Voucher Codes in eCommerce

Posted on 28th August 2014, by Kunle Campbell in Customer Retention, Voucher Code Strategy

Online coupons and offers may seem like a simple and predictable way to increase conversions. Trouble is, sometimes they have the opposite effect. Indiscriminately offering rock-bottom discounts can have a negative effect on your business, and using vouchers comes under fire for uncontrollable distribution, for a tendency to drive one-off, discount customers and for reducing average order values. Yet vouchers have some great advantages too. They’re easy to track, and they typically offer a consistent increase in conversions. So how should they


5 Ways to Measure the Success of a Social Media Campaign

Posted on 16th February 2014, by Kunle Campbell in Social Media, Traffic

If you’re running a social media campaign you are probably not doing it for fun – you are most likely looking for results. In most cases, the intended outcome of a social media campaign is to strengthen and increase awareness of your brand. In the past, traditional marketing efforts in this arena were difficult to evaluate due to the complications of determining the link between a campaign and brand awareness. One of the appeals of social media marketing is the


How to Effectively Integrate PR with SEO and Content Marketing

Posted on 3rd February 2014, by Kunle Campbell in PR & New Media, Traffic

Over the last few years, outreach SEO (or Link Building) and PR have witnessed a digital convergence.  The wild open ranges of old style grey and black hat SEO have to a significant extent been fenced off by Google updates intended to cut down on spammy sites that add little or no value (or even make sense); those black hats have mostly been hung up, and the few survivors are in their Butch Cassidy years.  PRs, meanwhile, are learning their


When to Use a Facebook Local Business Page Vs a Company Page

Posted on 28th October 2013, by Kunle Campbell in Social Media, Traffic

Facebook will offer you several options when you set up a page for your organisation. Usually, though, you’ll find yourself choosing between a ‘Company, organisation or Institution’ page, and a ‘Local Business or Place’ one. While in some cases the choice is obvious – if you’re a university, you’ll be wanting to be an Institution, not a Local Business or Place – for other organisations the decision can be a little more complex.


33 SEO Tips for New Bloggers

Posted on 17th October 2013, by Kunle Campbell in Content Marketing for eCommerce

A good friend of mine recently started a fashion blog and asked me for SEO tips. I had so much to say that I have decided to spin my response into this blog post. Here is what I had to say:


12 Ways to Get More People ‘Talking About’ Your Facebook Page & Improve EdgeRank

Posted on 5th June 2013, by Kunle Campbell in Social Media, Traffic

In 2011 Facebook introduced their ‘People Talking About This’ feature.  Available on Facebook Pages only, the feature allows you to track the number of interactions with your page over the last seven days.  As such, it is a great tool for analysing how many people are directly interacting with your brand on a weekly basis.  ‘Talking About’ is located next to ‘Likes’ but it offers details not of who has clicked ‘like,’ but of who has created what Facebook calls


The New Face of SEO: How SEO Has Changed [INFOGRAPHIC]

Posted on 25th November 2012, by Kunle Campbell in Infographic, Technical SEO, Traffic

Over the past 18 months, SEO processes as well as SEO strategy has immensely changed. Whilst SEO is still very much rooted as a technical discipline, a significant degree of SEO is verging more and more towards a creative and marketing mindset that touches the nerves of humans OR an audience that search engines are getting better at understanding. SEOs are starting to think about their audience first with engaging content before optimisation for search engines. I quite like the


30 Places to Promote and Generate More Traffic to Your Blog Posts

Posted on 31st October 2012, by Kunle Campbell in Content Marketing for eCommerce, Traffic

  To produce a quality blog post you spend hours researching, writing, rewriting, searching for, or even creating your own graphics. Eventually all this hard work pays out and the result of a really good piece of content but this just half of it. In order to share that exceptional work of yours with as many people as possible, you need to promote it. What is the point of being awesome if no one knows? Here are some tips that


7 Premium SEO Tools Worth Paying For

Posted on 28th November 2011, by Kunle Campbell in Technical SEO, Traffic

SEO is a lot more complex than most people give it credit for. Many regard it as something akin to voodoo or alchemy. But SEO can be incredibly powerful and lucrative if you have the right tools for the job. That doesn’t mean you have to splurge on every piece of software you come across. Having prowled through the interwebs, trial and premium tested a number of tools out there, I have come up with this selection of MUST HAVE Paid


eCommerce Marketing Growth Hacks 

2X eCommerce Podcast

Kunle interviews Founders of Fast Growing 7-8 Figure Online Retail Business & E-commerce Marketing Experts

View podcasts